The Food We Take
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We all love eating red meat and I am guilty of it. Admitted it or not any kind of muscle meat from mammals, the red juicy meat coming beef, pork, lamb, veal, goat, and even from the horse has long been linked to heart disease and in 2015, the World Health Organization named it apparently as a carcinogen. Read More>>
I would like to share to you the Lactum 3+/6+'s latest promo, 100% Fun Mealtime Transformation. It's a creative way to transform healthy food into a fun and nourishing meal with the help of Lactum 3+/6+.
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I usually say no to my kid every time he wants to take candy. However, it change my point of view because they open my mind that not all candies are bad.
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One of the major place for kids to explore is school where they can learn new things. However, as we all know, it can also be the place where our children can get stress. As the school days are here, of course we want to give them something that they can enjoy as well as something that they can refresh from the various school activities aside from the slow moving traffic everyday.
We, as parents can instill value of diligence and patience to lessen their hurdles that our kids face at school.
Unfortunately, a lot of little fussy eaters have a tendency to wrinkle their noses, make faces, or deliberately gag on their food and bring home their baon.
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I never thought that it could be a reality because the reality... it was a total nightmare. Even though our country can produce more and more rice. We have to be vigilant when it come to our food in our plate because we even imported rice from other country and to make it safer for our family.
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Making comfort foods for our sick love ones are the reasons why they recover instantly along with their fever reliever, Paracetamol.
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Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Source is to provide a timely information on diet and nutrition for health professionals and the public so that we can learn more the benefit of eating healthy in our daily life.
Healthy Eating Plate was created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health to educate us how to have a blue print for planning our well-balanced meals.
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It feels so good when our body is fit and healthy. It can handle every stress that will come our way. But, how can we achieve a healthy and fit body? The secret is very simple and easy to follow. All it takes is to have a regular exercise and a proper diet. Let Soyami and Fitness first lead your way to a great and healthy life. Our body needs nutrients to be healthy. Proper nutrition involves supplying the body with the right nutrients that it needed to achieve it.
A good healthy eating plan can be effective in losing more weight that having regular exercise, and it is not that difficult to do. Just making sure that you have your guides with you while doing and choosing what you eat. The following is the simple step to enjoy the benefits of health eating.
1.) Eat before you feel starved to avoid overeating. Drink a glass of water before meal time so that you don’t had to feel the hunger.
2.) Chew your food properly, take a small bite before taking the next bite. Take time to eat slowly.