MERS-CoV Enters The Philippines: Learn How To Prevent It

It was in the news for almost a couple of days now about the so called MERS-CoV has now in the Philippines. Although, it's not that alarming because I heard that the Filipino nurse who came from Saudi Arabia was already in quarantine as well as her husband who is also with her going home and the rest of their family who had direct contact to them are also in close monitoring of DOH.

What is MERS-CoV?

MERS-CoV is the acronym of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, it is a viral respiratory illness. It caused by coronavirus from common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS. However, MERS-CoV is not SARS. This virus was first reported in Saudi Arabia on 2012.

MERS-CoV Symptoms are the following;

- fever
- shortness of breath
- dificulty in breathing
- coughing

Other possible symptoms are;

- diarrhea
- kidney failure

How to prevent getting MERS-CoV?

- Wash your hands often with soap and water

- Cover your nose and mouth with tissue paper when you cough or sneeze. Dispose used tissue paper immediately and properly.

- Avoid touching your face, especially the eyes area, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

- Avoid close contact with sick people.

- Regularly clean frequently touched surfaces such as door knobs and handles.

- Make sure children will follow these precautions.

For inquiries and question about MERS-CoV, please contact the Department of Health (DOH) 24 hours Hotlines at 711 1001, 711 1002.

Always remember that we have to be vigilant with our health and the health of our love one. Teach the children to always washed their hands.  Keep in mind that prevention is better than cure! Enjoy the rest of the weekends. 

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