Now You Can Manage Your Finances

It was such a privilege to be invited for a small talk about money matters. We spend money here, there and everywhere without telling ourselves and knowing when to stop until we are broke and have so many debts.

I personally don't practice of having debt. I simply don't like the idea and for me it's better to maximize everything I have than to loan to someone.

Many Filipinos are into debts and they having a hard time dealing with it. In most cases, they hide to people whom they have debts. Let's end that scenario instead find ways how to improve yourself in handling money so that you will be FREE on DEBTS.

In that case, I will help you to nurture your minds on how to do it because I find something called "Money Kit" where it can teach you the step by step on how to be Free on Debts. Its simple, applicable and attainable!

You can't purchase Money Kit everywhere. So listen carefully and debt free, financially free now because no other people will help you with your debt problem and will help you what to do. Let me tell you what's inside the Money Kit has the following;

Till Debt Do Us Part Book - its Chinkee Tan's book that will help you on basic savings, budgeting, investing and debt free.

Chink Positive DVD Guide - it's Chinkee Tan’s video that can guide you on your personal money.

Budgeting Software - this automated software will help you to keep track your personal money and expenses.

Chink Positive Money Kit Manual - this will guide you and teach you the step-by-step process on how to start your financial journey.

Chink Positive Debt Repayment Plan Worksheet - this will guide you n how to reduce your debt.

Chink Positive Financial Obligation Worksheet -  this will help you to know who and what to prioritize in spending.

Chink Positive Accordion Folder - it will help you organize and divide your monthly expenses.

Chink Positive Saving Envelope - it will help you to start savings with the little money you have.

Chink Positive Investment Envelope - it will help you to set and achieve your financial goals as well as how to make your money grow.

Now you know what's inside the Money Kit, I'm pretty sure that you are thinking of How much is the cost of this kit? Oh well, the Money Kit is for only Php2,500 and because Chinckee Tan is so generous, he will give you a FREE COPY of ALL HIS 5 BOOKS! which is Php300-400 per book or Php2,000 when you buy it in the bookstore. Fantastic right!

Moreover, Chinkee Tan's books are also available in all National Bookstore. 

But wait, Chinkee Tan is giving away huge discounts on his books. If you buy 4 books you will get 1 FREE Book for only Php1,250 and you can buy 3 books for the price of Php900. Remember the regular cost of the book is Php300-400 pesos. 

Also, The wealth and life coach, Chinkee will be having a conference on June 20, 2015, Saturday, 1:00pm – 6:00 pm at the Metrowalk Plaza, Meralco Ave., Pasig. 

They offer less P1,000.00 promo for those who will register early.

Ticket Price is the following: 

Gold   = P 800.00 (Regular price is P 1,800) 
Silver = P 600.00 (Regular Price is P 1,600.00) 
Bronze = P 400.00 (Regular Price = P 1,400.00)

Wait there's more!

You will also get FREE T-Shirt from Chinkee Tan when you purchase the Money Kit.

Just fill up the Form below to get your Freebies! 

Reserve now and to receive an opted in confirmation email to make sure that you are not being added without consent. Once you confirm, you will get an email to the links of Chinkee Tan's book and training programs.

Always remember that sometimes you need to invest in order for you to learn new knowledge and knowledge is power... and it's not for free.

If you want to receive the give-away being offered on this blog, just fill up this form to reserve (DO THIS FIRST). You will receive an opt-in confirmation email to ensure you are not being added without your consent. Once you confirm, you will get an email that has the links to purchase Chinkee Tan's books and training programs.

Disclosure: I am an accredited online lead generator for Chinkee Tan’s Book and Training Programs

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